Hi everyone
Just a quick update on our recent Failte 32 email appeal for a job on behalf of a young J-1 visa holder here in New York, who’s 3 months grace period for gaining employment was swiftly coming to an end.
Great news! Louise informed us that she was offered a job earlier today (just in the nick of time), which was referred to Failte 32 by Seamus McDaid, himself a J-1 visa holder here in New York. This is a great example of ‘pay it forward’, and it’s very reassuring to see young people like Seamus giving back at such an early stage to the community. The job was referred to Seamus by his colleague Shay Furlong of MC electrical Services, Inc. (www.mcelectrical.net). We are also very grateful to Shay for this job referral.
We’d like to congratulate Louise on all her efforts to find employment, particularly for following up on our referrals, and following the Failte 32 job support model (she even recently job-networked with the Egyptians!).
2-3 days after sending out our email appeal to the community, Failte 32 received three job referrals from the following: Seamus Mc Daid, the Irish American Business Chamber & Network, Inc. (www.iabcn.org), and a company in Pennsylvania. We had received another job referral immediately after our January email/newsletter from Sharon De Courcey, and were able to forward Louise’s resume to her for her consideration. We were also contacted by Dan Dennehy, National Immigration Chairman, Ancient Order of Hibernians in America Inc., who informed us that he had asked Hibernians across the US to check in with their nearest Centers, get to know the staff, volunteer, and if they have work for an Irish person, let the centers job bank be know. What amazing support all of this is!
Even if Louise was not able not find a job in time, after consulting with Failte 32’s immigration attorney Caro Kinsella, Louise was informed she could in fact change her visa status whilst remaining inside the U.S. thus giving her more time in finding employment. Caro’s job is to ‘Strategize’ your immigration needs, by providing customized and well informed solutions for her clients.
Its very reassuring that after less than two years in operation, Failte 32 has come full circle by solving a problem that was almost exactly the same as that which spurred the launch of the Failte 32 initiative in the first place.
This shows the importance of initiatives such as Failte 32, which is an informal unity (when it comes to helping find jobs) of independent Irish American organizations and strategic partners, in complementing the efforts of all the immigration centers. It does this in part by being able to respond quickly and effectively to urgent situations such as Louise’s. We have to be constantly reinventing ourselves to ensure we are relevant in this very competitive job environment. Maybe the immigration centers can start implementing some of the Failte 32 model?
We sincerely thank all of the above and the Irish American community in general for responding in such a kind way to this appeal. The company that has hired Louise will indeed gain a very valuable employee.
Other business: Don’t forget the Irish Network-NYC (www.irishnetwork-nyc.com) AGM being held this coming Saturday at 2pm.
Our thanks to Eileen Cronin and all at Eileen Cronin’s “Long Ireland Show” Hofstra University(88.7 FM Saturday 3-5pm www.wrhu.org). The Irish are very lucky to have shows like Eileen’s, which can help us leverage our community efforts.
Kind regards
Failte 32 Committee
Feature (Opportunity Ireland)
Coming soon!
The Fifth Province: County Societies in Irish America Sign the IRE Petition
Please consider signing the IRE Irish Immigration Bill Petition. To sign and /or get more information please click on the following link. www.change.org-
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