Inter-Diaspora reach out

Hi everyone,

The Irish, as a people, have had their share of suffering from famine, civil
war, and occupation; resulting in a respect for others who suffer unjustly.
Since we have had our share of unjust suffering, we can deeply understand
and have the heart to protest against the unjust suffering of fellow human

The killing of thousands of innocent people for their organs is occurring in
China on a daily basis, and has been, for over a decade.

Over 10,000 organ transplantation surgeries are performed in China every
year and for each person executed, the amount of money that can be made from
their organs is up to $300,000.

The main source of organs (over 90%), used for organ transplantation in
China, is from executed prisoners.

Unfortunately, the people executed in China are often prisoners of
conscience, including spiritual and religious believers such as Falun Gong
practitioners and Tibetan Buddhists, as well as human rights activists.

Recently, a petition to the White House gathered over 30,000 signatures
demanding the US do something to stop this horrible atrocity.

To learn more about Forced Organ Harvesting in China visit the website

Please also check these links for updates on this issue: April 2nd 2013- Pittsburgh Transplantation Surgeons
Disapprove of Chinese Regime’s Organ Harvesting March 21, 2013- Australian Senate Unanimously Passes
Motion on Organ Harvesting

Its important to know about this horrifying phenomenon, let others know
about it, and protest it.  To voice your protest sign the petition on

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